Recruiter :
Jessica Zhang

Key Responsibilities:
Key Requirements:
Call for Action: To be successful in the role, I need someone who has strong regulatory experiences. If you are keen, to apply to this role, do send in your updated CV to [email protected]
- Reviewing traditional medicine and products regulations in Indonesia
- Ensure all products have distribution permit
- Monitoring all products sold have the right information on PDP
- Ensuring products have permit (SIA/SIPA) during onboarding process
- Monitoring & evaluating sales transactions comply in the category
- Collaborate with other functions in representing company to engage with BPOM and Kemenkes.
- Regularly monitoring the risk and mitigation on product and seller related information in platform
Key Requirements:
- Minimum 8 years of experience in traditional medicines product
- Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy and candidate must possess the Pharmacist Profession (Apoteker)
- Having an active Serkom Apoteker, STRA (Sertifikat Tanda Registrasi Apoteker) and SIPA (Surat Izin Praktek Apoteker) is a must
- Minimum of 3-5 years experiences as a Pharmacist
- Proven experience liaising with BPOM, IAI and Kemenkes as well as the health technology sector eg. PSEF
- Deeply understanding of related accreditation and certification requirements
- Having strong communication, organizational and analytical skill
Call for Action: To be successful in the role, I need someone who has strong regulatory experiences. If you are keen, to apply to this role, do send in your updated CV to [email protected]