Rheno Gerinardi

Recruiter : Rheno Gerinardi

Rheno graduated from Victoria University with a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting in Melbourne, Australia. He then returned to Indonesia where he started on the corporate side as a Finance & Accounting staff and worked his way up to become a Senior Auditor in a leading accounting firm. After being in the industry for a few years, he decided to explore his passion in recruiting; a role that would enable him to utilize his skills and experience to add value to others. He will be focused on Accounting & Finance recruitment in WeNetwork. Coming from the industry will help him to connect better with Finance candidates and enable him to be a better partner to his clients on qualifying the best candidates in the market. On the personal side, he is passionate about working out which requires discipline and endurance as well as driving his motorcycle in his spare time or for road trips.s Rheno think being a Recruitment Consultant will definitely suit me more.

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